Monday 13 February 2017

WEEK 2: Expressive Hands & Portraits

I have been excited to find out that we were drawing hands and portraits as those are one of the hardest body parts to draw and it's important to properly draw them and train drawing them. I have suprised myself when I produced work I could be proud of. I really embraced the task especially the one using marks as a texture and enjoyed drawing portraits and hands a lot. Which is saying a lot considering the fact that I usually get frustrated. I still haven't got the technique down when it comes to drawing portraits and specific features, but it is just about to searching for the negative space and following the line of the face. I still find it a bit tricky to do specific facial features, so that it looks like a specific person. I would like to be able to draw someones features to be able to for example cartoonize them, while still keeping the resemblance to the person. With the hands, I realized the best thing to do is to simplify the hands as it is a object made of a different geometric shapes. I did it in a general shape of a glove to sketch out where doest the hand start and where does it end, eventually where does it touch and how far is it from eyes or ears. It took some attempts but in the final picture, I managed to make the hand actually resemble actual human hand with muscles, bones and veins. I found this exercise extremely helpful.

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