Saturday, 15 October 2016

WEEK 2: Life Drawing

For an amateur artist it's always hard to find someone who's willing enough to pose for you for a long period of time. So it's been an absolute delight to actually be able to work with someone who is willing to pose for an entire class. 

 As I've been drawing just for a hobby, I've never realized how important warm-ups are. Drawing a few quick poses definitely helps with easing up your hand and not being too tense. It's very helpful when you don't feel like your first line has to be perfect, it's exactly the opposite. It's not about it being identical, it's definitely about it helping you feel more confident with putting yourself out of your comfort zone. The second exercise was helpful as well and that was realizing the surroundings in which was the model situated. It was definitely interesting to move my pencil to where my eyes led it. 

Working with negative space has never crossed my mind, now it is interesting concept to consider. It definitely helps a lot when you're not sure of your drawing or the proportions or it's relation to it's negative space. It was definitely helpful in the final drawing where the model was holding a prop so we could have something to focus on. If we were unsure about the proportions, it was really helpful to look at the space between the prop and the model's body. It helped with any difficulties that may have appeared while drawing the correct size of model's limbs or just the angles of the pose. 

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