Friday, 7 October 2016

WEEK 1 Homework: Self-portrait

Drawing your own self-portrait is definitely one of the hardest things you can do in drawing. Because it's your own face you've just drawn you tend to be very critical. As I look at my own self-portrait I already start to be overly critical. It is not because I would want to critize my own face, but it's the fact that I can't properly drawn the face I see everyday in the mirror. It's one of the best exercises though, as you can do it everyday and you don't need a different person to be your model. 

In my drawing I can see that I need to improve in so many areas, firstly being the one that I want to be able to draw the exact face proportions, because if I get those wrong, the drawing won't look like the model. I do think I drew my eyes rather well including the shading. Which is another thing I need to improve, now the shading looks way too sharp and needs more softness to it and better transition between dark and light shading. Though those are things I will learn through practice, so I'm not going to give up and do my best each and every single time I practice this or any other exercise.

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